
Friday, July 10, 2009

DC to DC Converter (Part II)

Both types can be described above as follows:
  1. Type Linier Some of the functions that enter in the process of conversion AC to DC power is as follows:
  • Changing or Voltage Voltage, working to change the voltage electricity is available from the transmission of electricity distribution network to the desired level
  • Penyearah, as a modifier the direction of the voltage or AC voltage to DC
  • Filter or a filter, cleaning duty, as the wave of a ripple (ripple), which comes from the process penyearahan
  • Settings (regulation), aims to control the output voltage so that's going to be stable despite variations or changes in temperature, load, and input voltage electricity transmission network from
Ideally, the conversion to DC power has karateristik such as 100% efficiency, the output wave of a fixed (constant output) even though the faces on the variations of the transmission voltage (for DC power supply), the load current, and temperature. Other characteristics are not ideal having the terminal output Impedance (Impedance zero output) for each frequency level, and also does not have the interference (noise) and on the ripple wave output.

Figure 1 Characteristics of the ideal and practical on the modifier to the DC

Picture above shows the difference in the burden and the ripple on the output wave modifier between the ideal and the practical.

2. Switching Type (Switching) Power Supply type switching become increasingly popular pemakaiannya because this type of provision provides a DC power efficiency and intensity charged very high compared with the type linier.

Technology through the provision of DC power type switching was not a new thing. Technology is already starting to be developed around an 60-year and its use is limited to military applications and space because of the switch components are still expensive and limited ability also charged. However, due to the rapid development of technology, including solid state, making solid state switch, the second obstruction is the longer so that the reduced production of this type of switching also penetrated to the growth of industrial employment, research, education and so forth.


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